When a death occurs
When a death occurs many people don't know who to contact. This will depend on where the person has died and the cause of death. The following information provides a guide as to what the next step should be when a death occurs.
When a death occurs at home
When a death occurs at home, the first person you should contact is their usual attending doctor. If the doctor can confirm the cause of death, they can issue a medical cause of death. After the attending doctor has been the next step is to contact us on 1300 008 653 so that we can arrange for the deceased to be transferred to our funeral home. You will need to make contact with us on 1300 008 653when you are ready to commence making the funeral arrangements.
When a death occurs in a nursing home
When a death occurs in a nursing home, the nursing staff will contact the next of kin to notify them of the death. In this instance, the Director of Nursing, Sister or Nurse in charge will be able to help you with the formalities and they will make arrangements for the Doctor to issue a medical cause of death.
Nursing Homes require families to nominate their preferred funeral director for their family member in advance upon becoming a resident so that in the event of a death occuring the staff will contact us and we will arrange for the deceased to be transferred to our funeral home. You will need to make contact with us on 1300 008 653 when you are ready to commence making the funeral arrangements.
When a death occurs in a hospital
When a death occurs in a hospital, the nursing staff will contact the next of kin to notify them of the death. In this instance, the Director of Nursing, Sister or Nurse in charge will be able to help you with the formalities and they will make arrangements for the Doctor to issue a medical cause of death. You will need to make contact with us on 1300 008 653 when you are ready to commence making the funeral arrangements and we will liase directly with the hospital to organise the release of the deceased into our care.
When a death occurs suddenly
If the death is sudden or accidental, or the cause of death cannot be confirmed, it is the doctors or families responsibility to notify the police. In these cases, it is important the deceased is not moved or disturbed in any way without the authorisation of the police or coroner. The police contact the government appointed funeral home to transfer the deceased from the place of death to the Coroner's mortuary.
The Coroner investigates and determines the cause and circumstances of death, this may possibly involve a post mortem examination. Funeral arrangements may be delayed until the necessary clearance is obtained from the coroner.
In these circumstances, it is still your right and responsibility to contact the funeral director of your choice so they can attend to the funeral arrangements. You will need to make contact with us on 1300 008 653 when you are ready to commence making the funeral arrangements.